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Så blev det tid til endnu en ny udgave af MagPi, nr. 86. Discover 25 Powerful Raspberry Pi projects that really show what our favourite computer is capable of: AI machines, radical robots, space rovers, and more.

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Så blev det tid til endnu en ny udgave af MagPi, nr. 85. Can you do everything with a $55 computer? We’ve been pretty confident about using Raspberry Pi 4 with 4GB RAM as our main desktop PC. This month we put it to the test, by getting one of our best m…

1 min. læsetid
0 66

Så blev det tid til endnu en ny udgave af MagPi, nr. 84. Get your Raspberry Pi 4 Starter Guide in The MagPi magazine issue #84. Get to know your Raspberry Pi 4 with our in-depth starter guide. We’ll help you take the first steps with your new computer: d…

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