Så blev det tid til endnu en ny udgave af MagPi, nr. 68. Discover the new Raspberry Pi 3B+ in the April 2018 edition of The MagPi – The Official Raspberry Pi magazine. Buy The MagPi from these stores All this inside The MagPi #68 Raspberry Pi 3B+. We f…
Så blev det tid til endnu en ny udgave af MagPi, nr. 67. Discover the joys of Retro Computing and turn your Raspberry Pi into a C64, Amiga, BBC Micro, or any number of classic computers. And learn how to put a Raspberry Pi inside an old Sinclair Spectrum…
Så blev det tid til endnu en ny udgave af MagPi, nr. 66. Media Player Projects. With its HDMI socket and small form factor, the Raspberry Pi can quickly become a much more versatile media player than the ones you’d buy in the shops. This month, we’ve got…
Så blev det tid til endnu en ny udgave af MagPi, nr. 65. The Raspberry Pi makes an amazing Christmas, present. And every year we welcome a huge number of newcomers. Raspberry Pi isn’t just a computer and a charity. We’re a community of people who love ma…
Så blev det tid til endnu en ny udgave af MagPi, nr. 64. Everybody knows the Raspberry Pi is a coding tool. It’s inspiring a whole new generation of students and developers. But the Raspberry Pi is much more than that. Coding on a Raspberry Pi has purpos…
Så blev det tid til endnu en ny udgave af MagPi, nr. 63. ### We always wanted an arcade machine. So this issue we decided to find the best build instructions around. In this issue of The MagPi, Bob Clagett from I Like To Make Stuff walks us step-by-step…