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Så blev det tid til endnu en ny udgave af MagPi, nr. 68. Discover the new Raspberry Pi 3B+ in the April 2018 edition of The MagPi – The Official Raspberry Pi magazine. Buy The MagPi from these stores All this inside The MagPi #68 Raspberry Pi 3B+. We f…

1 min. læsetid
0 172

Så blev det tid til endnu en ny udgave af MagPi, nr. 67. Discover the joys of Retro Computing and turn your Raspberry Pi into a C64, Amiga, BBC Micro, or any number of classic computers. And learn how to put a Raspberry Pi inside an old Sinclair Spectrum…

1 min. læsetid
0 87

Så blev det tid til endnu en ny udgave af MagPi, nr. 66. Media Player Projects. With its HDMI socket and small form factor, the Raspberry Pi can quickly become a much more versatile media player than the ones you’d buy in the shops. This month, we’ve got…

1 min. læsetid
0 77

Så blev det tid til endnu en ny udgave af MagPi, nr. 65. The Raspberry Pi makes an amazing Christmas, present. And every year we welcome a huge number of newcomers. Raspberry Pi isn’t just a computer and a charity. We’re a community of people who love ma…

1 min. læsetid
0 151

Så blev det tid til endnu en ny udgave af MagPi, nr. 64. Everybody knows the Raspberry Pi is a coding tool. It’s inspiring a whole new generation of students and developers. But the Raspberry Pi is much more than that. Coding on a Raspberry Pi has purpos…

1 min. læsetid
0 90

Så blev det tid til endnu en ny udgave af MagPi, nr. 63. ### We always wanted an arcade machine. So this issue we decided to find the best build instructions around. In this issue of The MagPi, Bob Clagett from I Like To Make Stuff walks us step-by-step…

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