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Så blev det tid til endnu en ny udgave af MagPi, nr. 144. This month, we inspire you to make that next build even better. Our Essential Electronics guide bridges the gap between code and components. Armed with this month’s mag you’ll be building amazing electronic gadgets in no time.

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Så blev det tid til endnu en ny udgave af MagPi, nr. 143. Let’s get serious about robotics! In the latest edition of The MagPi magazine, you’ll discover sensor-packed rovers, smart walkers, and four-legged robotic dogs that can roll, run and trot around alien planets (or your backyard). So get ready for that job at NASA by building your very own robot explorer.

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Så blev det tid til endnu en ny udgave af MagPi, nr. 142. Raspberry Pi 5 introduced a PCI-express compatible connection enabling you to connect an M.2 SSD drive for huge file storage and super-speedy data transfer. Alongside a much faster processor, this makes Raspberry Pi 5 the ultimate choice for building a do-it-all media player. In this month’s edition of The MagPi, we do exactly that!

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