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Så blev det tid til endnu en ny udgave af MagPi, nr. 137. Begin your Raspberry Pi Adventure in the latest edition of The MagPi magazine. Everything an intrepid maker needs is inside! Acquire your vital equipment, assemble your kit, and discover maker quests. Start your new adventure today!

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Så blev det tid til endnu en ny udgave af MagPi, nr. 136. It’s the run-up to the holiday season and we’ve got everything a Raspberry Pi fan could wish for. Our Complete Buyer’s Guide is packed with goodies from official accessories to fun kits and projects. We’re also cranking Raspberry Pi 5 to its fastest speed and using it to stream video games this month. Happy holidays!

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Så blev det tid til endnu en ny udgave af MagPi, nr. 134. We are proud to introduce Raspberry Pi 5! Powering along up to three times faster and packed with new features, it’s an exciting upgrade. Our Raspberry Pi 5 special is your ultimate guide to Raspberry Pi’s exciting new computer.

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Så blev det tid til endnu en ny udgave af MagPi, nr. 133. Emulate everything with our complete guide to modern retro gaming distributions. Play classic and modern retro games, emulate consoles and vintage desktop computers and discover where to get your retro games safely and legally. All this and more in the latest edition of The MagPi magazine.

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Så blev det tid til endnu en ny udgave af MagPi, nr. 132. Build a Universal Media Player that can do it all! Stream every video, plays all your music and movie files, run games, show photos, and more. You’ll discover how to create the ultimate set-top box in this month’s edition of The MagPi magazine. Plus all this…

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